Please debit my account as per the below details :
I/We hereby request that ‘instruct’ and authorize you to draw against my / our account with the above-mentioned bank (or any other branch to which I / We may transfer my /our account as monthly payment(s) due in respect of the agreement on the first day of the month, startingon [selected date] And continuing (as the case may be). All such withdrawals from my / our account by you shall be treated as though they have been signed by me / us personally. ‘’Agreement’’ is defined as and refers to Home Assist Botswana application signed by the customer. I/We understand that details of each withdrawals hereby authorized, and we also understand that details so each withdrawal will be on my bank statement and agree to pay any bank charges relating to this debit order instruction.I/We confirm that this order shall have authority until my/our liability under the agreements ceases